  • 龙池牡丹科技在线
  • ■ 牡丹籽油产品概述

    •商品名称:牡丹油(peony Seed Oil)
    •Commodity name: Peony Seed Oil

    • Introduction to the product:

    Peony seed oil is a kind of fatty acid extracted from peony seed. Most of the constituents contain more than 90% unsaturated fatty acid, among which α- linolenic acid accounts for more than 40%. It is capable of enhancing intelligence, deferring senility, strengthening immunity, lowering blood fat, blood pressure and blood sugar and inhibiting cancers.

    •Usage of the product:

    Peony seed soil can be used as actives of food. It is a preferable dietetic oil to prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases if we take it daily. 

    Introduction to the product

    牡丹学名“Paeonia Suffruticosa Andr”,是芍药科(paeoniaceae)芍药属(Paeonia)牡丹组(Section Moutan Dc)多年生木本植物,花色鲜艳,花香浓郁,是世界著名的观赏花卉,唐朝著名诗人写道“落尽残红始吐芳,佳名唤作百花王。竞夸天下无双艳,独立人间第一香”,是牡丹最好的写照。
    Peony, also named Paeonia Suffruticosa Andr in science, is a kind of perennial woody plant of paeoniaceae Paeonia Section Moutan Dc. It is a world well-known ornamental flower with bright color and rich fragrance. A famous poet in the Tang Dynasty has ever written

    Never send out fragrance till the petals withdraw,

    The flower queen is its name,

    Second to none visitors said,

    It is the first sweet in the world.

    This poem is the best portraiture of peony.

    China is the hometown of peony. It has more than 1900 years' peony cultivation history. It is also an important peony production, consumption and export country with abundant peony resources, playing a key role in peony production in the world. Heze is a city with long history of peony cultivation. It is featured with large scale cultivation and profound culture background, for which it is necessary to go on further study on peony. The root of peony can be made into drug, which is called Danpi in Chinese. Danpi is slightly cold intrinsically and taste bitter and spicy. It is capable of recovering the heart, liver and kidney channels, reducing fever, cooling the blood, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis. For these reasons, it is broadly used to cure various diseases. Moreover, the wine prepared with peony flowers taste pure, mild and fine with moderate tart and sweet flavor and long lasting after taste. Peony flowers can be also made into foods and cosmetics, or ate directly.

    In production of peonies, no chemical fertilizer or pesticides are applied. It is a kind of organic cultivation, so the peony seeds produced is sanitary and free from any pollution and they satisfy the requirements of national green food and organic food.

    Peonies are distributed broadly in our country with rich resources and abundant varieties. The useful varieties are Paenonia suffruticosa and Paenonia rockii. It is known that peony seeds contain rich nutrient contents, including 18 amino acids, among which 8 ones are the necessary amino acids of human body, 7 kinds of vitamins, VA, VE, nicotinic acid, carotene and 12.84% sugar, especially the polysaccharides and disaccharide. Besides, the seeds also have more than 20 kinds of inorganic elements, such as potassium, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. And the fatty acid in the seeds is high-quality unsaturated fatty acid.